Thursday, July 11, 2013

Unit 9

This picture shows what we learned in class today. Today we learned all about waves today. 
A represents crest or the highest
B represents trough or the bottom 
C represents the amplitude or the distance from the crest or the trough to the equilibrium 
D represents a loop 
E represents a wave 
F represents the nodes which are places between the loops with no movement
The orange parts represent the equilibrium 

Waves are ways of transmitting energy 
Vibration is "wiggle" in time.
Medium is the material that the wave is in. Some waves need a medium to go through. 
Wave length is the length of a wave, it can be measured from two identical portions of the wave. Ex. Crest to crest. 

We also learned about different kinds of waves. There are two types, transverse and longitudinal. Transverse waves are waves that have energy that moves perpendicular to wave velocity. Ex. light Longitudinal waves are waves that have energy that moves parallel to wave velocity. Ex. sound. Period is the time it take for one cycle to occur. Frequency is how many cycles go by in a second, the units for frequency are hertz or 1/ seconds. There are three important equations that we learned: 

Period= 1/ frequency    Frequence = 1/ Period    Wave velocity= frequency x wave length 

We learned a bunch of other terms like the principle of superposition which is when two or more waves are moving through the same space. Depending on direction waves can have a positive sign or a negative sign. If two positive waves or two negative waves collide they have a constructive interference and join together to create a large wave. If one big positive wave collides with a small negative wave they have a destructive interference and will result in a smaller wave. If a positive wave and a negative wave of the same size collide they can result in a flat wave. Nodes are areas of no movement, antinodes are places where there is the most movement. 


  1. This is the perfect study guide for our unit 9 test! Nice job!

    1. Nice drawing Candace. It really helped explain the lesson. It was simple to understand and was able to remind me what we learned. Good Job!

  2. Super cool drawing. Your post was very informative. Awesome job!!

  3. Cool drawing, I like how you included a ton of information.

  4. Nice drawing Candace. It really helped explain the lesson. It was simple to understand and was able to remind me what we learned. Good Job!
